Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

In Berlin, lots of crazy people seem to crawl out of their hiding places in the last night of the year, and make a lot of noise. We are both no fans of firecrackers and fireworks. While they might look nice, there are so many more useful things one could do with all that money that is burnt in explosions each year, and the noise is just annoying. Therefore we decided to have a quiet evening at Viasko, which is a relatively new restaurant in Berlin and offered lots of food and company for this special night.

As expected, the evening was wonderful. The food was fantastic - soup, salads, sushi, canapés, dips, BBQ outside, soy "Geschnetzeltes" with red cabbage and bread dumplings, gnocchi. Cake and Black Forest mousse au chocolat. 

Every table even got their own little chocolate fondue!

Nice people all around, plus good music - All in all a perfect evening.

We wish you all a Happy New Year! May it be full of happiness and love towards you and all creatures around you.

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